This episode of Wealthy Muslim Women was the highlight of my week - thanks to our guest, Andaleeb Hamad. Andaleeb is a Grade-1 teacher and mindset coach for moms. She helps both new and old moms deal with motherhood-related issues.
In addition to speaking with Andaleeb, I also discussed the current situation of the market briefly, highlights of which are:
There is fluctuation in the stock market, which is normal considering that we are going through a pandemic. People are panic selling or hype buying, and this is something we should avoid as it negatively impacts our investment.
Mutual funds are a comparatively safer investment choice as they have a self-cleaning mechanism. They comprise of many individual company stocks, and therefore, balance out the returns.
Andaleeb spoke to us in detail about having the right mindset as a mom and how it impacts the family, especially the children. These were the main takeaway points from our discussion:
Being a full-time Stay-at-Home-Mom can be quite overwhelming and leads to feeling dissatisfied. In such a situation, it is very important to adopt a positive mindset by working on yourself, setting objectifiable goals, and doing what you love.
Children need to have a positive mindset to believe that they can achieve whatever they set their mind to, and this can happen only if their parents have a similar mindset. This is because children learn best through examples.
Guilt comes from a lack of perspective. It is a limiting belief which you can overcome by constantly embodying the feeling of worthiness. You must affirm that what you’re doing is enough, and that it’s exactly what you’re supposed to be doing.
Moms and caretakers should learn to take out time for themselves, even if it’s in small pieces spread throughout the day. If your needs are not fulfilled, you won’t be able to take care of your family.
The best way to help your children adjust to this new normal is to create a schedule/routine for them to follow which includes both indoor and outdoor activities.
Final note:
Having a positive mindset is crucial for a happy and fulfilled life. Most women are not aware of its importance and how it can be implemented and integrated into every aspect of our lives. More importantly, as women, we need to give ourselves time too because we can’t help others if we are unfulfilled ourselves.